Benchmark VIBSORB Foam Vibration Isolation Canada

Benchmark is proud to offer the following comparison between Benchmark STB-1 Structural Thermal Break, Fabreeka TIM and SCHOECK!

Benchmark Structural Thermal Break STB-1 Engineer approved is in stock and available for delivery in 5 - 7 days!

Compared to

Benchmark STB-1 Structural Thermal Break

Compared to

Fabreeka TIM Structural Thermal Break

Compared to


In stock and fabricated in Canada, Benchmark brand STB-1 engineer approved equivalent is in stock and available for fast shipping!

 All above specifications are meant to be used for basic comparison and information purposes only. Please verify with the above manufacturers directly. 

In order to have been selected for this list the above mentioned products would be considered to be of the highest quality. When engineers specify vibration control or thermal break products or brands they generally add the “or approved equivalent” option. Typically lead time and pricing become determining factors once the engineer on record has verified the selected product meets the design criteria.

Benchmark makes no further representations.

The above comparison table is meant to assist with identifying additional approved alternative products. For more detailed and verified specifications please contact the respective above manufacturers directly. 

For Vibsorb MIL C 882, PTFE, Slide Bearings, Elastomeric Bearings / STB-1 Structural Thermal Break availability, pricing, detailed datasheets, engineer approved equivalent questions or design packages please contact Benchmark today or fill out the information request form below. For all other products listed above please contact the respective manufacturers or distributors directly!

Benchmark Benchmark VIBSORB Foam Vibration Isolation In Stock


Made from recycled rubber, Benchmark VIBSORB Foam Vibration Isolation is manufactured in different densities to offer the benefit of vibration isolation for a wide scope of applications including machine foundation isolation, building isolation and inertia masses to isolate various kinds of equipment.

Benchmark VIBSORB Foam Vibration Isolation is supplied in full sheets for easy installation and is typically used for the base formwork in concrete foundations. The material can be cut to size in the field for other uses such as industrial machine footings, building support bases and light rail applications.

As with all elastomeric materials, permanent static loads cause the material to creep, that is to relax and deflect over time. Long term creep testing of the Benchmark VIBSORB Foam Vibration Isolation material has shown low amounts of deflection over the material’s expected life cycle. Static and dynamic loading must remain in the recommended operating range for a long life expectancy, be it as a machine foundation or when used for other isolating purposes.

Benchmark VIBSORB Foam Vibration Isolation Canada Alternative Products