Mil C 882 Fabreeka Pads Vibration Isolation

Benchmark is proud to offer the following comparison between Benchmark VIBSORB, Fabreeka and BILZ Vibration Technology AG

Benchmark MIL C 882 Engineer approved Expansion bearings and Elastomeric bearing pads are stock and available for delivery in 5 - 7 days!

Compared to

Benchmark Vibsorb MIL C 882 Vibration Control Pad

Compared to

Fabreeka Vibration Control Pad

Compared to

BILZ Vibration Technology AG

The Made in America and fabricated in Canada, Benchmark brand VIBSORB MIL C 882 engineer approved equivalent is in stock and available for fast shipping!

 All above specifications are meant to be used for basic comparison and information purposes only. Please verify with the above manufacturers directly. 

In order to have been selected for this list the above mentioned products would be considered to be of the highest quality. When engineers specify vibration control or thermal break products or brands they generally add the “or approved equivalent” option. Typically lead time and pricing become determining factors once the engineer on record has verified the selected product meets the design criteria.

Benchmark makes no further representations.

The above comparison table is meant to assist with identifying additional approved alternative products. For more detailed and verified specifications please contact the respective above manufacturers directly. 

For Vibsorb MIL C 882, PTFE, Slide Bearings, Elastomeric Bearings / STB-1 Structural Thermal Break availability, pricing, detailed datasheets, engineer approved equivalent questions or design packages please contact Benchmark today or fill out the information request form below. For all other products listed above please contact the respective manufacturers or distributors directly!

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MIL-C-882 Pads

Vibration Isolation, Anti Vibration & Structure-Borne Noise Reduction

MIL C 882 anti vibration pad is the original fabric reinforced, elastomeric pad developed in 1936. The Vibsorb MIL C 882 pad conforms to the specifications for MIL-C-882 cotton duck, fabric reinforced pad. The properties of the MIL C 882 anti vibration pad are exceptionally suited for vibration isolation and structure-borne noise reduction.

MIL C 882 anti vibration pad has been used for years for mounting machinery and equipment where absorption of impact shock and isolation of transmitted vibration is desired. MIL C 882 pad is also used to provide structural damping and to break the vibration transmission path. MIL C 882 anti vibration pad is scientifically constructed to give years of service under the most severe operating conditions.

We proudly sell the full line of vibration control and thermal break products across Canada. If you are looking for genuine MIL C 882 anti vibration pad products in Canada look no further. Contact us today 800 580 4195 for a no obligation free quote.

Key Features/Benefits

Depending upon the size and thickness, MIL C 882 pad can ultimately withstand loads up to 12,000 psi. Normally, compressive stresses are designed not to exceed 2,000 psi to extend service life and reduce permanent set.

Vibsorb MIL C 882 pad has a relatively high damping rate of 14% of critical, twice the value of damping for natural rubber or unreinforced elastomers.
Natural Frequency as low as 12 Hz.

Technical Specifications:

One of the advantages of the reinforced, laminated design is the reduction of additional deflection due to creep under static load. Creep is limited to approximately 5% of the original pad thickness. When stresses are removed, the permanent set is also limited to approximately 5%.

MIL C 882 anti vibration pad meets or exceeds the MIL-C-882 and MIL-E-5272 military specifications.

MIL C 882 anti vibration pad is impervious to most oils and is resistant to the effects of steam, water, mildew and brine. The effective temperature range is -65°F to 200°F.

The durometer of the MIL C 882 anti vibration pad is 90±5 (Shore A).


Please feel free to contact us today to discuss your project requirements and schedule a commitment free lunch and learn or webinar with one of our product specialists.
MIL C 882 anti vibration pad is manufactured in nominal thicknesses of:
English Metric
1/16″ 1.6 mm
3/32″ 2.4 mm
1/8″ 3.2 mm
5/32″ 4.0 mm
3/16″ 4.8 mm
15/64″ 6.0 mm
9/32″ 7.0 mm
11/32″ 8.8 mm
1/2″ 12.7 mm
5/8″ 16.0 mm
3/4″ 19.0 mm
1″ 25.4 mm

Other thicknesses are available